So once you got your cavity wall installed the next step for the contractor was that they provided you with a guarantee certificate this was done by the company registering the install with the body known as CIGA , once registered you would usually receive your certificate in the post a few weeks later.
This was an essentiaol process for a contractor mainly for the reason that under the green deal they would have to do this so they could receive payment and as a business securing quick payment is always key.
Not all installions were provided a certifacte and the reason behind this is some of the installs were carried out after the funding for the green deal was pulled so was no longer benificial for the contractor to request a certifacte as there was no finicaila benift to themselve
A lot of people had cavity wall installed years ago and hence this reason a lot of people have lost these certificates and in return require new ones so below we show you how to do this.
If you believe that your cavity wall has faults you are entitled to make a claim and you can do this yourself all though its a drawn out process we would always recommend using a company like ourselves to help you with your claim, If you want to make a claim simply call us or complete our Contact form , and we will be happy to assist on a no win no fee basis.
Below we have provided an example of a CIGA Certificate which is found on there website.